Sunday, December 26


Hello people of the blogger universe. Cydney here!!! I thought I would tell you about how my Christmas has been so far!! And, yes, I did say so far. I have 3 more days of getting gifts from relatives on my moms side of the family. WOO HOOOOO!!! I am excited to see everyone- especially my aunts Melanie and Jennifer<3

 As for presents, so far I have gotten Wii games, clothes, a pillow pet, pillows, skull candy headphones, a Kindle, purse, Bible, $10 that i found in my Bible, more clothes, Justin Bieber CD, bracelets, a scrapbook and a ticket type thing for Miss Me jeans. Maybe more stuff... Lol. But I don't just love Christmas for the presents. I love celebrating the true reason we have Christmas(:

OK, sadly, I must go eat food, because i slept through breakfast and I'm STARVING!!! LOVE YOU(: HAPPY HOLIDAYS(: GOD BLESS(:


Saturday, December 25


HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!! Most people say merry, but hey, I do what i want. LOL! Besides, Harry Potter says it, so I should be able to as well. Any who, I love the holidays sooo much!! I just wish it would snow! And, by the way, I will be giving a list of some of the awesome things i got for x-mas. For me, half the fun of Christmas is still to come. I will be going to my moms house tomorrow and having a second Christmas with her side of the fam. I'm very excited(: Oh, and happy late birthday to my friend Amber!!! Love you girl! Sorry I didn't get in touch w/ you yesterday:(

an interpretation of what is not human or personal in terms of human or personal characteristics; humanization



Friday, December 24



Wednesday, December 22

Swallowing Fireworks?

HEY!! You may be wondering about the... interesting title. Well I just watched Katy Perry's video for "Firework". SCARRED FOR LIFE!  OK, that's exaggerating a little. The video is weird though. For one thing, everyone has fireworks coming out of their chest except for one lady who looks like she is giving birth to a firework, perhaps. What did they do, swallow some fireworks?? CONFUSION!!! And it gets better!!! There are two guys that make out, a girl with cancer that escapes from the hospital, and a girl that strips down to her bra and underwear and jumps into a pool. I get that it was supposed to be inspirational and all, but they have too much going on. PLUS... its weird. I'd give it 2 1/2 stars. Oh, and I'm not hating.. I love Katy Perry and the song, just not the video. OK, well later guys!! LOVE YA!!


P.S. Happy bday, Nana! I love you.

Saturday, December 18

Word of The Week/ Shout Out/ Random Blogging

Hey! As you can see by the title, I have a lot of stuff  to talk about. So, first off the word of the week is: SUPERCALIFRAGILISTICEXPIALIDOCIOUS. It was a word made up for the Mary Poppins movie. It is 34 letters and the 4th largest word in the world. I have just recently learned how to spell it. I LOVE THIS WORD!!!!!!!!

Second thing on the agenda is a shout out to one of my best friends, JAKERS!!! Ive talked about him before in my Shout Out post, and he is being mentioned again because he is turning 13 today!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JACOB!! You are like a older brother to me. And if you read this I want you to know you are an amazing, funny, trumpet-playing NERD, but that's okay 'cause I love ya anyway!!

Okay, and the last thing to do isn't that important. I'm just gonna talk about whats happening. I finished finals yesterday and i am out of school till 2011!!! WOO! Ha ha. Also, when i get back to school I will be in tennis and not basketball. YAY! Today I am going to The Woodlands, which I still consider home, to see my dad's side of the family for Christmas!!! I am so excited that Christmas is just around the corner! I cant wait!! Well, I gotta go do stuff. LATER CHICOS AND CHICAS!

Wednesday, December 15

Im Bored... Surprise Surprise

HEY PEOPLE!! As you most likely know, I am always bored! I do the same thing everyday!!! Are you always bored, invisible people I make these posts for?  Well, I am. OHMYGOSH. Google "Chuck Norris I'm feeling lucky" and click on the first link. I thought it was funny and maybe you will. But I am easily amused SO I don't know. So hows life?? Mine is pretty good. I think I know what I want to be what i grow up: a zoologist. We had our counselor come into one of our classes today to do a presentation called "CollegeEd" It was basically taking you interests and figuring out a job that includes those interests. I love animals!! Especially tigers, bears, horses, and birds, and giraffes. I cant pick just one or two. Well, I guess bears but I DON'T KNOW!!! Any who, I love animals, science, and the outdoors. Being a zoologist would be super cool!!! Ha ha. Well I am honestly just out of things to say. I have to go steal my DSi back from my mother. TOODLES(:

Saturday, December 11


The word of the week is PALINDROME. It is a word, line, verse, number, sentence, etc., reading the same backward as forward, as Madam, I'm Adam  or Poor Dan is in a droop.


I Have Nothing To Do

Hey readers(: I have nothing to do until like 6:50 so I'm going to TYPE!! I am going to a party later but for now I don't have much going on. SO hows your day going? Mine has been going pretty well. A lot better than yesterday! I went to see a movie with Hannah (my bestie) today and it was cool. We saw The Chronicles of Narnia: Voyage of the Dawn Treader. Long title... Am i right? It was a good movie though. Lots of fighting and such. Ha ha. OMG!!! Guess what!? I don't know. OOH. Pomegranates are yummy. Oh. I'm gonna be putting a word of the week on here, and even though I have like in between 0 and 0 regular readers, I'll be putting one every week so my followers can discuss the meaning and whatever other stuff there is to talk about with words and what not. I AM BORED OUT OF MY MIND!!! I have only been typing for 3 minutes now. It seems like its been over an hour. Oh, yeah, back to my day. I have just been hanging out with Hannah and that's it. She just went home, though. We went outside, sat inside, lied down inside, stood, breathed. That's about all. Oh, and I did my hair and make up which is ever so exciting. Yep. OHHH AND IF YOU ARE READING THIS YOU PROBABLY HAVE A BRAIN! Use that wonderful noodle of yours to check out Caitlin Beadles blog and story!! I'm following her b log so you can find that somewhere on my page. Probably in my description or all about me. If you cant find it leave me a comment down below and ill put in the effort of putting a link. Ha ha. Any who her story about what happened to her is at you can search her name or it might be on the home page. She is an AMAZING, INSPIRING girl that is just beautiful. I am so glad I found her story! It is sad and amazing and it brought me closer to God. I don't want to ruin it for you so all I'm saying is that its life changing and to please, PLEASE check it out and follow her blog. God bless her and all of my readers. AND everyone that doesn't read my posts as well. Talk to y'all later.

Friday, December 10

Sup Peoples

Hey! I am bored! Yay. I'm sitting at home. On Friday night. With nothing to do. Isn't that exciting?? HOLD ON! Just got a text. OK I'M DONE! Did you miss me? HA HA. If I didn't say hold on you wouldn't have known i was gone. Well school today sucked. I started it off with a student council meeting. It was funnish. We made cards for people at a nursing home. Aren't we nice? Then I limped on down the STAIRS to athletics. If you read my last post, you would know I fell down the stairs yesterday and hurt my ankle kinda bad. Stairs aren't my friends. Athletics sucked due to having to do push ups with my foot that throbbed when any pressure was on it. I did eleven because I was about to burst into tears if I did any more and I wasn't about to cry in front of everyone. :'( After athletics i went to math and had a suckish time because my head was killing me. I went to the nurse who got mad at me 'cause I didn't eat breakfast. So, she made me eat Golden Grams which taste like poo. After that torture, I went to theater where there was drama. Everyone was mad at me because they thought I was faking and this one EVIL chick was just being rude. My bestie was there for me though... so I was okay. Ha ha. The rest of my day was BORING! I almost fell asleep in EXPO. Oops. Oh, AND my day ended with being kicked. Right on the swollen part of my ankle. Woo hoo. OK i gotta go because my friend is coming over to help baby sit. and then sleep over(: LATER PEEPS(:

Thursday, December 9

Today Was.....

HELLO!!! i am in an amazing mood considering i have fallen twice today leaving me with a possibly sprained ankle and a skinned elbow and forearm. FANTASTIC DAY. :( Well in other news I'm making a music video for theater and i have to make up choreography... with my hurt ankle. Also very awesome. The project is fun and despite some creative differences, its going pretty well. i have nothing to do. most of my friends are at a basketball game and i am at home alone. Typing and being hurt. well i have to go SO BYE

Sunday, November 28

Hindi and Other Junk

Hey yall! Bet you didnt know I speak Hindi, did you? Hahaha. Im just amazing like that. All the post said was that I'm UBER bored. It also said what i did today which is hang out with my BESTIE, Brit. (LOVE YOO DIEGO)((inside joke)) Oh, and I kinda hung out with her brother, Austin. We just jumped on the tramp, took pictures, and got on facebook. Sooooo yeah. BLAH BLAH BLAHH. My brain is hardly functioning. You would be able to tell if i didnt fix the way i spelled brain: brian. HAHAHAA. Oh my goodness I am tired. So hows life? I will give you a little ten year old boy named Tyler if you comment. You dont even need to feed him!! **OOH AHH**
As you can tell, i have nothing better to do than talk to A COMPUTER>.<   HAHA. I like that face. And this one XD. But the other opne is cool because you dont have to turn your head to see the face. Haha. Well I am going to go and annoy whoever is in the house. TOODLES> **gasp** But first I must tell you what im superly excited about: SHARPEI'S FABULOUS ADVENTURE!!!! JK. Its a break off of High School Musical that I will be seeing, butt just to make fun of it. Who knows... it might end up being good. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA. JKJKJKJK. Well bye for real this time. LAYYTA!

Blah Blah Blah

హలో! హౌ అరె యు టుడే? ఐ అం బోరేడ్ సో ఐ అం రైటింగ్ థిస్ ఇన్ హిందీ. ఐ విల్ మాక్ అనోతేర్ పోస్ట్ ఎక్ష్ప్లైనిన్గ వాట్ థిస్ సయ్స్. సో ఐ హవె బీన్ బోరేడ్ లఅతేలీ  సో ఐ హవెంట్ రియల్లీ హద ముచ్ తో బ్లాగ్ అబౌట్ బెసిదెస్ తన్క్స్గివింగ్. టుడే ఐ హుంగ్ అవుట్ విత్ మై ఫ్రెండ్ బ్రిటిన్ అండ్ హర్ హాట్ ఒల్దెర్ బ్రదర్. హహ. వెల్ ఐ ఉసుఅల్లీ వుల్ద్న్ట్ అడ్మిట్ తట్ బట్ ఐ వంత్ పుట్ ఇట్ ఇన్ ది ఇంగ్లీష్ వెర్షన్!!! ఓకే వెల్ ఇం గున్న టైపు ది ఇంగ్లీష్ వెర్సన్ నౌ. బెత యౌఇ దిద్న్ట్ క్నౌ ఐ స్పోకె హిందీ. అన్య్వ్హోఓఓఓఓఒ లతెర్!!

Friday, November 26

My Thanksgiving Break... So Far

Hey yall! sorry i havent posted anything in forever!! Absolutely nothing interesting has happened up until now. Dont get your hopes up though, it still isnt all that exciting. Anywho.. Friday when me and my brother got out of school we went over to my dads house. We hung out, went to an Allen football game at the Cowboys stadium, and on Sunday we went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I. It was amazing! i love the series sooo much and this one was the best so far. (I know its technically still the last one but I say so far because of part II) Haha. After Harry Potter, my brother and I went to our lake house on Lake Cherokee with my mom. On the way there we had somew of the worst Sonic experiences ever!! Hahaha. On the second day at the lake, my step cousin, Avery, came with her parents. Avery is just 6 months younger than me so its always fun to be around her. We had a blast playing football and basketball. I especially had fun creaming her in HORSE! Now, being a kid, i lose track of days when im not in school. So one or maybe two days after that... or maybe the same day? Anywho.. Avery and I met a cool girl named Lauren and her little sister Maredith. Their grandpa lives down the street from our lake house. Lauren was my age, in my grade, and we had a lot of fun together! We played catch, horse, around the world, and duck duck goose that night! The next day Maredith left so it was just Lauren, Avery, and I. Oh, and sometimes my little brother, Tyler. Anyway, the three of us played horse, played football, and around the world pretty much all day. We also went down to the very cold water and collected clay from the bottom to make a pot thing. We had sooooooooo much fun! Lauren then had to leave so Avery and I just hung out the rest of the time that day. Avery left kind of early the next day so Tyler and I had to find some way to entertain eachother. Like beating Mr. Franklin (my stepdad's dad) at two on one and then beating Jeremy (my stepdad) at two on one. After that we ate and left the lake. Now at home, my mothers side of the family is here and we are having our thanksgiving today. It is also my aunt, Lana's birthday on Sunday so we will be celebrating that sometime this weekend.
Thats pretty much all that has gone on lately. I have to go do homework I really dont want to do. God bless everyone nd have a great rest of your Thanksgiving break! BYE!!!

Saturday, September 11


I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I would talk about seventh grade!!!! My schedule goes like this...
  • athletics. I love it! There is a lot of running though. I am in my fave sport right now, volleyball:]
  • advanced math. This is probably my favorite class. I used to not like math but with my beast teacher, Mrs. Richardson, math is fun and easier.
  • theater!! Besides math theater is my favorite. My best friend is in the class so its fun. Plus, if i get through this year and like it my momma might sign me up for acting classes!!!!
  • expo. Expo is kind of hard to explain. It takes the place of reading, but the class isn't centered around reading. A lot of people think expo is an advanced class, but it isn't really. However it is for gifted kids. To be in expo you have to be able to work on your own, think outside the box, and be creative. :]
  • enhanced writing. I love to write stories, poems, and reviews, but so far I'm not a huge fan of this class. I'm not saying at all that i don't like it. it just isn't my favorite.
  • enhanced Texas history. History isn't exactly my ideal course. I don't like it but i think its important to know about our states past.
  • enhanced science. We haven't done enough for me to know whether or not I like it. I didn't like science last year, but I'm going into this open minded. The only thing i will not like is frog dissection. I'm not sure i will be able to do it. Ha ha.

Well, that is pretty much my day at school. Not that exciting. Ill write soon, but for now i have to go. Bye!:]

Friday, July 30

SiX fLaGs!!!

Hey y'all=)
On Wednesday my dad, my brother Tyler, and I went to Six Flags Over Texas in Arlington. We had a lot of fun. We got to go on pretty much everything there. First we went on all of the big rides. The Titan, Superman, Batman, and Mr. Freeze. Batman was my favorite. Tyler and I really liked Superman too, but my dad was not a fan. He only opened his eyes for about a second on it! After we finished those rides, we took a break to eat. Ty and Dad had huge turkey legs and i had a BBQ sandwich. Yum. Then, we went to this indoor movie thing. The chairs moved around depending on what was happening on the screen. For example if whatever was on the screen made a sharp left turn, the chairs would turn left. It was really cool. When the movie ended, Tyler and I went on Aquaman. We got soaked! After the ride, we stood on a bridge that is right over the big drop. When the boat gets to the bottom there is a huge splash that gets anyone on the bridge insanely wet. We got even more wet than we did on the actual ride! It was really fun. After When that was all done we rode the acme rocket, the Roarin' Rapids, and a few other small rides. Then we decided to go one all the major rides again. To end our day Tyler and I rode The Flashback and Tony Hawk's Big Spin. By that point we were all dying of exhaustion, so we went home to get some rest.
Over all, it was a pretty successful 9 hours at Six Flags. I had so much fun and I cant wait to go again!

Sunday, July 25

HeLlO pEoPlE oF eArTh!

Sorry I havent posted anything in a while. I have been kind of busy. I just wanted to tell everyone that I might post some of my drawings soon. It'll be cool to hear what you think of them. I'm not an amazing artist, but I still love drawing and sharing my artwork with others.
Also, I'm sorry that I probably won't have that many insanely interesting posts for a while:( Nothing exciting is going on right now... just a whole lot of Summer. But my birthday is comming up and hopefully I'll have some good stuff after that. And I will be sure to let everyone know if I get a cell phone!!! *hint hint*
So, I'll talk to y'all when something exciting happens!


Saturday, July 17

Hill Country


On the 11th of this month my family and I went to Canyon Lake, Texas. We stayed in cabins that overlooked the hill country. When we were on our way to the resort, I looked out the window and found that we were surrounded by rocky, yet grassy hills and a lake. It was so pretty! I immeaditly took out my aunt's iphone and snapped some cool pics.
After we got to our cabin, we didn't do too much. While I napped, my Nana, brother, and cousin went to the activities center and picked out some games for us to play. So, when I woke up we played Apples to Apples, but that was definitly not the most fun thing we did.
The next day we got to go to Gruene, Texas for some shopping. Gruene is a really cool place. I loved the boutique and candy store, but my favorite shop was the general store. It had a lot of cool toys and other things. There was even Bluebell ice cream!
Canyon Lake and Gruene are really cool places. I really hope I can go again soon. But for now,

Saturday, July 10

I have a quick question...

So, right now my favorite movie is Alice in Wonderland. In the movie they ask an interesting question: why is a raven like a writing desk? The answer is'nt ever relvealed, so I am asking you. I bet you know why a raven is like a writing desk. Tell me and you might get a reward! Just kidding! But, I do want to hear what you think so shoot me a comment and I will most likely reply. I can't wait to hear what you come up with.

-Are you as mad as a hatter?-

Friday, July 9

2010 Alice in Wonderland vs 1951 Alice

I was talking with my friend about how much I loved the new Alice in Wonderland. She then told me that she liked the 1951 version better. So, I was wondering what you thought. Please leave me a comment with your answer. If you havent seen one of the movies, tell me why you like the version you have seen. Also, I strongly suggest watching them because both movies are amazing!

-Are you as mad as a hatter??-

Thursday, July 8

Artsy Darbz

Hey everyone!
Artsy Darbz is my friends youtube channel. She makes pretty funny videos and you should check them out. All you have to do is go to and type in "artsydarbz" in the search box. Her videos are random, funny, and well put together. I like them a lot and I know that my friend would love more channel and video veiws.


One Last Shoutout

There is one person that really deserves a shout out, but I didn't include them in that last post. I'm sorry, and here it is...
Nana: You are the best and you have always been there for me. I love you so much! I know you think I'm getting too old to have fun with my Nana, but I most definiatly am not. We are still as close as ever. You support me in everything and I thank you for that.

Again, I am super sorry I cannot include everyone. There are so many people that support and love me and I wish I had the time to mention every single one. But, to everyone that has ever loved me or supported me in anything: THANK YOU!! You are an amazing person and I love you/

Wednesday, July 7

My Shout Outs:))

Though i am pretty sure only 1 person I mention will see this, I want to acknowledge some of the people that support me.
Mom: You are the best! Even when I am the biggest brat in the world you love me, and I love you for that. And I know I change my mind about what I want to do a lot, but it is only because i haven't found that one thing i am good at and love. Even though I drive you crazy with the constant changes you still support me. Thank you.
Dad: What can I say? I am daddy's little girl and I KNOW you love that. I also know you have trouble showing your feelings (haha) and that's okay because i can always tell what you're thinking. You protect me from everything and I know you'd go to the ends of the Earth to make sure I'm safe. Thank you and I love you.
Emily (a.k.a Emifuzzler, Brock, and Em): You are my inspiration and best friend. It sucks that you're moving and I can't believe you are doing this to me. No matter how far away you are know this: I will always love you!! We have been through so much. From taking on Angie to Camp Grady to Operation M.S. I wouldn't be the slightly nice person I am today with out you. Thanks, Em.
Galvan: I guess I should start by saying that two is definitely better than one. I am the luckiest girl in the world to be able to say you are one of my best friends and for sure my BEST guy friend. One of my favorite days ever was spent with you and your geeky friend, Travis. (Sorry, Travis!) Even with him there, it was still a pretty awesome day. (Again... Sorry.) I've only known you for about a year, but we still have gone through quite a bit. We have had our ups and downs, but it always turns out right in the end. I love you, kid:) Thanks for everything.
Jess: We haven't known each other long but, we are still insanely close! Girly, we have been through thick and thin. We used to have these stupid fights about boys and jealousy. Hopefully, that is all behind us because I don't know what I'd do without you. You're a great person and an amazing friend. Thanks for everything, B.F.S.B.O.6.G. LOVE YA!!

i wish i had time to mention all of my amazing friends and family members, but the brisket will be done soon! So, to everyone else who has given me advice or is even KIND OF a part of my life: Thank you for everything you have ever done for me!!!! Y'all are great! I love y'all.


poem #1

Now, I am not at all an unhappy person, but this poem I wrote would make you think I was. I was having a bad week, that's all. With that said, here it is:
How did it get like this?
It used to be sunny everyday.
I kind of like it when it falls,
It washes my scars away.
But, please do not judge me,
Its really not my fault
That instead of falling from the sky,
Its from my eyes and my heart.

It isnt very good, but I kind of like it. By the way, the poem has no name:( I cant think of one. So, just comment and tell me what you think:)

my first post!

Hi:) I am ThaNinjaWriter and this is my blog. I will be posting poems, short stories, movie/book reviews, reports on various subjects, and some songs. But first, you should know a few things about me:
I am an aspiring writer/actress, but sometimes my shyness gets in the way. I love school and my favorite subject is English. I am also an avid book reader. Some of my favorite authors are Lemony Snicket, Pseudonymous Bosch, and Gary Paulsen. My favorite books are A Series Of Unfortunate Events: The Ersatz Elevator, The Name of This Book Is Secret, Hatchet, Dead Is So Last Year, and The Shack. So, those are the basic facts about me.
If you have any ideas on how I can improve my blog, leave me a comment. Thank you.
