Saturday, September 11


I haven't posted anything in a while so I thought I would talk about seventh grade!!!! My schedule goes like this...
  • athletics. I love it! There is a lot of running though. I am in my fave sport right now, volleyball:]
  • advanced math. This is probably my favorite class. I used to not like math but with my beast teacher, Mrs. Richardson, math is fun and easier.
  • theater!! Besides math theater is my favorite. My best friend is in the class so its fun. Plus, if i get through this year and like it my momma might sign me up for acting classes!!!!
  • expo. Expo is kind of hard to explain. It takes the place of reading, but the class isn't centered around reading. A lot of people think expo is an advanced class, but it isn't really. However it is for gifted kids. To be in expo you have to be able to work on your own, think outside the box, and be creative. :]
  • enhanced writing. I love to write stories, poems, and reviews, but so far I'm not a huge fan of this class. I'm not saying at all that i don't like it. it just isn't my favorite.
  • enhanced Texas history. History isn't exactly my ideal course. I don't like it but i think its important to know about our states past.
  • enhanced science. We haven't done enough for me to know whether or not I like it. I didn't like science last year, but I'm going into this open minded. The only thing i will not like is frog dissection. I'm not sure i will be able to do it. Ha ha.

Well, that is pretty much my day at school. Not that exciting. Ill write soon, but for now i have to go. Bye!:]