Sunday, November 28

Hindi and Other Junk

Hey yall! Bet you didnt know I speak Hindi, did you? Hahaha. Im just amazing like that. All the post said was that I'm UBER bored. It also said what i did today which is hang out with my BESTIE, Brit. (LOVE YOO DIEGO)((inside joke)) Oh, and I kinda hung out with her brother, Austin. We just jumped on the tramp, took pictures, and got on facebook. Sooooo yeah. BLAH BLAH BLAHH. My brain is hardly functioning. You would be able to tell if i didnt fix the way i spelled brain: brian. HAHAHAA. Oh my goodness I am tired. So hows life? I will give you a little ten year old boy named Tyler if you comment. You dont even need to feed him!! **OOH AHH**
As you can tell, i have nothing better to do than talk to A COMPUTER>.<   HAHA. I like that face. And this one XD. But the other opne is cool because you dont have to turn your head to see the face. Haha. Well I am going to go and annoy whoever is in the house. TOODLES> **gasp** But first I must tell you what im superly excited about: SHARPEI'S FABULOUS ADVENTURE!!!! JK. Its a break off of High School Musical that I will be seeing, butt just to make fun of it. Who knows... it might end up being good. HAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHAHAHA. JKJKJKJK. Well bye for real this time. LAYYTA!

Blah Blah Blah

హలో! హౌ అరె యు టుడే? ఐ అం బోరేడ్ సో ఐ అం రైటింగ్ థిస్ ఇన్ హిందీ. ఐ విల్ మాక్ అనోతేర్ పోస్ట్ ఎక్ష్ప్లైనిన్గ వాట్ థిస్ సయ్స్. సో ఐ హవె బీన్ బోరేడ్ లఅతేలీ  సో ఐ హవెంట్ రియల్లీ హద ముచ్ తో బ్లాగ్ అబౌట్ బెసిదెస్ తన్క్స్గివింగ్. టుడే ఐ హుంగ్ అవుట్ విత్ మై ఫ్రెండ్ బ్రిటిన్ అండ్ హర్ హాట్ ఒల్దెర్ బ్రదర్. హహ. వెల్ ఐ ఉసుఅల్లీ వుల్ద్న్ట్ అడ్మిట్ తట్ బట్ ఐ వంత్ పుట్ ఇట్ ఇన్ ది ఇంగ్లీష్ వెర్షన్!!! ఓకే వెల్ ఇం గున్న టైపు ది ఇంగ్లీష్ వెర్సన్ నౌ. బెత యౌఇ దిద్న్ట్ క్నౌ ఐ స్పోకె హిందీ. అన్య్వ్హోఓఓఓఓఒ లతెర్!!

Friday, November 26

My Thanksgiving Break... So Far

Hey yall! sorry i havent posted anything in forever!! Absolutely nothing interesting has happened up until now. Dont get your hopes up though, it still isnt all that exciting. Anywho.. Friday when me and my brother got out of school we went over to my dads house. We hung out, went to an Allen football game at the Cowboys stadium, and on Sunday we went to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part I. It was amazing! i love the series sooo much and this one was the best so far. (I know its technically still the last one but I say so far because of part II) Haha. After Harry Potter, my brother and I went to our lake house on Lake Cherokee with my mom. On the way there we had somew of the worst Sonic experiences ever!! Hahaha. On the second day at the lake, my step cousin, Avery, came with her parents. Avery is just 6 months younger than me so its always fun to be around her. We had a blast playing football and basketball. I especially had fun creaming her in HORSE! Now, being a kid, i lose track of days when im not in school. So one or maybe two days after that... or maybe the same day? Anywho.. Avery and I met a cool girl named Lauren and her little sister Maredith. Their grandpa lives down the street from our lake house. Lauren was my age, in my grade, and we had a lot of fun together! We played catch, horse, around the world, and duck duck goose that night! The next day Maredith left so it was just Lauren, Avery, and I. Oh, and sometimes my little brother, Tyler. Anyway, the three of us played horse, played football, and around the world pretty much all day. We also went down to the very cold water and collected clay from the bottom to make a pot thing. We had sooooooooo much fun! Lauren then had to leave so Avery and I just hung out the rest of the time that day. Avery left kind of early the next day so Tyler and I had to find some way to entertain eachother. Like beating Mr. Franklin (my stepdad's dad) at two on one and then beating Jeremy (my stepdad) at two on one. After that we ate and left the lake. Now at home, my mothers side of the family is here and we are having our thanksgiving today. It is also my aunt, Lana's birthday on Sunday so we will be celebrating that sometime this weekend.
Thats pretty much all that has gone on lately. I have to go do homework I really dont want to do. God bless everyone nd have a great rest of your Thanksgiving break! BYE!!!